Sunday, July 2, 2006

God Bless America



             God Bless America

         And the American Troops

         that keep us free!

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                                   Thank you!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Nurses' Month

I know that it's the end of May but I didn't want to let it slip by without mentioning and giving thanks to all the very hard working and dedicated nurses across the nation and the world.  I'm sure that just about everyone has a story about a nurse who made a big difference in their lives in some way.
As a Nursing Supervisor I see first hand what they have to deal with each and every day.  I see them bringing a new life into the world, and helping an old one leave it.  I see them crying, laughing and worrying.  Being brave enough to call the doctor who is known to scream at 4am, because his patient needs something.  I see them dragging themselves into work when they're sick, tired and in pain, and oddly enough, their patients never know.  I see their hearts breaking when they have to work on their daughter's prom night, or their son's championship football game.  I hear them consoling children and trying to grasp a little holiday cheer over the phone when they're working on Christmas Eve.  I've seem them sneaking peeks out of a patient's window to see the fireworks on the 4th of July.  I've eaten some of the turkey they've brought in to share with the others on Thanksgiving.  I've watched in amazement as they work right up to their due dates so they can spend more time at home with the baby once it's delivered. 
And yet, despite the hardship on themselves and their own families, they do it day after day, year after year.  Not for the money.  Certainly not for the recognition.
Why?  Because nurses are very special people who are always willing to give and care for others no matter what the occasion, or personal sacrifice.
So here's my tribute to all the nurses out there not only saving lives, but making them better.  God Bless You!
How Do You Know You've Been a Nurse Too Long? 
By Lisa Vance, RN
1) While looking for something to wear to a party you notice that 90% of your wardrobe consists of scrubs.
2) You don't really mind though, because you can't think of an occasion when you couldn't wear them.
3) You have discovered that nurses only HAVE to pee once every 12 hours.
4) You always carry hemocult developer in your pocket book.
5) While talking to old friends at a barbeque you glance down at their hands looking for a good vein to start an IV.
6) Up until the age of ten, all your children thought that Christmas only came every other year just like the rest of the holidays.
7) You know what the 'O' sign and 'Q' signs are.
8) While talking to a neighbor across the street you find yourself asking him when his last bowel movement was.
9) At the school bus stop you're the only mother still in her pajamas.  At 3pm.
10) Your spouse has heard you say "Not tonight, honey, I'm On-Call..." at least once.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day, Mom

She's the one who carried you in her womb for nine long months.
And even though she knew she'd have morning sickness, stretch marks and hours of hard labor, she couldn't wait to hold you in her arms.
She's the one who got up with you every two hours through the night, and rocked you to sleep when you were teething or sick.
She's the one who wiped your nose, wore baby spit-up as perfume, and worried about you all night if she ever got a chance to go out and leave you with a baby-sitter.
She's the one who stayed up late helping you with your homework, and spent a few weekends helping you finish your class projects.
She's the one who baked cupcakes for the school bazaar and sewed your costume for the class play.
She's the one who ran around out front taking pictures of you and your date on Prom Night and spent half the night worrying about you afterwards.
She was at most of your games cheering for you, and never forgave herself for missing the others.
She picked you up after practice, and stayed in the background so she wouldn't embarrass you.
She's the one who always told you that you were beautiful, and the one who still loved you when you told her you couldn't wait to move out and be on your own.
She's the one who cried at your wedding, and held your hand when you were having your own baby.
She's the one person who loves your kids as much as you do.
You know who she is.
I hope you called her today and wished her a Happy Mother's Day.
If you didn't... it's not too late.
She's still waiting for you to call.
I wish I could call my Mom.
Happy Mother's Day, Mom.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

A Public Service Announcement

As a Registered Nurse I am frequently asked questions about HMO Insurances.  So I'd like to take this opportunity to explain some of the details your doctor and employer may have neglected to tell you.

Q. What does HMO stand for?
A. This is actually an abbreviation of the phrase, "HEY MOE." Its roots go back to a concept pioneered by Moe of the Three Stooges, who discovered that a patient could be made to forget the pain in his foot if he was poked hard enough in the eye.

Q. I just joined an HMO. How difficult will it be to choose the doctor I want?
A. Just slightly more difficult than choosing your parents. Your insurer will provide you with a book listing all the doctors in the plan. The doctors basically fall into two categories--those who are no longer accepting new patients, and those who will see you but are no longer participating in the plan. But don't worry, the remaining doctor who is still in the plan and accepting new patients has an office just a half-day's drive away and a diploma from a third world country.

Q. Do all diagnostic procedures require pre-certification?
A. No. Only those you need.

Q. Can I get coverage for my preexisting conditions?
A. Certainly, as long as they don't require any treatment.

Q What happens if I want to try alternative forms of medicine?
A. You'll need to find alternative forms of payment.

Q.. My pharmacy plan only covers generic drugs, but I need the name brand. I tried the generic medication, but it didn't seem to be strong enough.  What should I do?

A. Poke yourself in the eye.

Q. What if I'm away from home and I get sick?

A. You really shouldn't do that.

Q. I think I need to see a specialist, but my doctor insists he can handle my problem. Can a general practitioner really perform a heart transplant right in his/her office?

A. Hard to say, but considering that all your risking is the $20
co-payment, there's no harm in giving it a shot.

Q. Will health care be different in the next century?

A. No, but if you call right now, you might get an appointment by then.


I hope this has cleared up some of the misconceptions about HMO's.  Now get out there and start taking care of yourselves!

PS:  The above material is not meant to be taken seriously.  If you are sick, see a doctor,even if you don't have any insurance at all.  You don't have anything if you don't have your health.  And finding a date is darn near impossible!

Love Poems For Middle-Aged Women

Sometimes great marital advice can read like a poem.  Here's one that was sent to me by a good friend, who's been married a long, long time...

He didn't like my casseroles 
And he never liked my cakes...

My biscuits weren't flaky...

Not like his mother used to make.

I didn't perk the coffee right

He didn't like my stew,

I didn't mend his socks

The way his mother used to do.

I pondered for an answer

I was looking for a clue...

Then I turned around and smacked him...
Just like his Mother used to do!


I'll take a laugh wherever I can get one!  Sorry guys!