Sunday, November 23, 2003

Love me... love my stuff!

Before I moved in with Ray last April I had been living in an apartment with my 2 daughters.  I left most of MY stuff there for them to use, as Ray had more stuff than any one person on the face of this earth could ever possibly hope to use.  It's hard to believe that his ex-wife already took half of their stuff when she moved out and they divorced. But now my girls are moving and I have to take whatever stuff I want out of the apartment and bring it to Ray's house.  Anything that I leave behind will be stored in their father's garage, where it could be confiscated by his insignificant other if she happens to take a liking to it.  The problem is that Ray already has so much stuff laying around, that there is no room for any of MY stuff.  There isn't even enough room for all of HIS stuff.  Even his stuff has stuff.  He is a sensitive, caring, romantic and sentimental man, which are some of the reasons that I love him.  But these traits have caused him to become a major pack rat.  I figured if I wanted to get rid of any of his stuff that I would have to do it while he was out of the house, and dispose of it in someone else's trash.  "Honey?  You didn't throw away an old, beat up teddy bear, did you?"  It was under the bed, torn, tattered and dirty.  What possible reason could he have to keep it?  "My mother gave it to me last year.  She said it was mine when I was little and I slept with it every night.  She wanted me to have it in case anything happened to her.  I had to take it after she told me that she kept that bear for over 45 years..."  I have a sinking feeling that I will NEVER be able to live this little momentary lapse of judgment down...  


Anonymous said...

Ah! I kind of like him. Your man that is! How sweet to want to keep the teddy his mother gave him. (don't hate me.....LOL)

Anonymous said...

Can't you blame it on the kids?

Anonymous said...

LOL! Believe me... I would if I could. We don't have any kids that live with us. Just him and me and the two cats! Plus I kind of fessed up when he asked me. But thanks for the suggestion. Lisa

Anonymous said...

Take all his useless crap and put it in boxes in the basement or shed or whereever. And then get all your crap and take over that place. You the boss now!

Anonymous said...

Ummm, tell him he has YOU now, doesn't need the 45-year old bear?

Anonymous said...

Three Words: Pack Rat's Anonymous. If your STUFF has stuff, there is definitely a problem. That man needs to have a serious consultation with a dumpster. Or ten.

Anonymous said...

How would you have felt if Ray had thrown out something of yours that you had kept for years without asking you? How would you have reacted? Do you know if Ray or his ex or your ex or the ex's 'other woman' read your journal?
Curious what their reaction would be. What common interests brought you together with Ray?