Thursday, November 20, 2003

My Cistine Chapel

I'm back from Atlanta.  We were stuck in the airport for over 6 hours because of the weather, and I was almost bored to death.  Luckily, I had a few Home Improvement magazines and mail order catalogs with me to read.  We'll have to take out another loan just to pay for the things I want to order.  While we were away my son Joe painted a few rooms in the house.  What a difference a fresh coat of paint can make!  Everything looks newer, cleaner and bigger.  He also replaced many of the old light switches and electric outlets with new ones, and insulated them from drafts by using spray foam caulk around the edges.  Lowes delivered the composite wood we are going to use to build the new front porch, but it will have to sit in our driveway until the township approves the plans.  I hope no one steals the wood in the meantime.  I don't think that I'll ever leave Home Depot, but I'm definitely having a fling with Lowes!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back and glad you had a good time :)My son is building a log home-I was telling the owners of your "fun"-them too-the windows came 2 inches short,didn't deliver 2nd floor logs ect.ect. New rood so steep can't climb on it because short 2 logs-like he said Thank God its a 50 year roof and hes 56 already so won't matter lolllllll-((hugs))

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back. I was tired of staring at that previous entry's lamp picture. I was almost ready to go out and buy a dozen myself.

Anonymous said...

Fling with lowes...LOLOLOL Welcome back silly :)