Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Who cares? It's SPRING!
Friday, March 26, 2004
Facing Temptation
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
It's TRUE!
One week. I never thought I could last this long on the Atkin's Diet. And... despite my initial prediction... I'm still alive. The worst day was the 6th day. I was so tired that I literally had a hard time getting out of bed. I had no strength or energy and I felt completely awful. Totally crappy. I was also very tearful. I found myself crying at the slightest provocation. A sad movie. A photo of my kids when they were little. Running out of home made whipped cream (Atkin's style) for my Jell-O. Seeing the TV remote control fall under the bed where I couldn't reach it. Finding an empty candy bar wrapper in my pocket book. I guess I'm just an old softie. But the 7th day is much better. Although I wouldn't say I feel wonderful or have boundless energy now ... I'm OK. I've lost a total of 7 pounds and according to the little dip stick I am definitely in ketosis.
I'm waking up earlier every day. Very annoying. I have never been a morning person, although I always admired those who were. It IS sort of cheerful I guess. The sun shining. The birds singing. You never see that kind of stuff when you're a night person.
I'm doing 45 minutes to an hour on the Step Climber now, three times a week. I can really feel the effects of all of those Tootsie Rolls I've eaten the past few months. I can see the results of them too, in the full length mirror. I'm actually beginning to ask myself if it was worth it. I said BEGINNING to. Don't rush me. At this point, I need all the inspiration I can get. Even if it IS planning to lose an extra five pounds just so I can go on a chocolate eating binge when all this is over. I really won't. But it makes me feel better to think about it.
Monday, March 22, 2004
Friday, March 19, 2004
The Atkin's Diet ... The 1st 2 weeks are the hardest.
There are so many diets going around now a days the hardest part is choosing which one is right for you. Since there wasn't one that completely suited me, I decided to go with the Atkin's Diet. It seems that on Atkin's you can lose the most weight in the shortest amount of time. I hate cooking and shopping and I don't have a lot of extra time to be reading and calculating. My work hours vary so much it's hard to maintain any kind of a schedule. So basically, I'm looking for ease, speed and immediate results with the least amount of suffering that's possible. I admit it. I'm lazy, impatient and wimpy. I won't be able to have pancakes, syrup, toast and Danish for breakfast anymore but I will be allowed to have bacon and eggs. Splenda is a great sugar substitute, but of course, I prefer the real thing and lots of it. No more pasta, rice and potatoes, but I can have steak and shell fish. Atkin's doesn't allow any bread, rolls or crackers but you can still have cheese. I always said that if I can't have sweets then I must have fruit. Not on Atkin's damn it. Not even one lone, pitiful grape. Which also means no fruit juices either. It's amazing how many carbs are in soda, ice tea and milk. On Atkin's all I can really have is Crystal Light, which isn't too bad and lots of water. I detest water. At first, I thought it would be difficult to remember which foods I wasn't allowed to have. But it's actually very simple. The more I like a particular food, the higher the carb content turns out to be. So I can pretty much bet that whatever I'd really like to eat, I won't be allowed to have. That narrows it down. I've been on this diet for 72 hours now. Ray said that the Tootsie Rolls in the drawer in my desk at the hospital are NOT really calling my name. He said it's all in my imagination. He says that no one has ever died from carbohydrate withdrawal and that in a few days I won’t be craving sugar any more. Right now, the only thing I wish Ray would say is, "Honey? I brought home a dozen Boston Creams from Dunkin' Donuts!" I just love it when he talks carbs to me...
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
The big picture...
Sunday, March 14, 2004
I really did it this time...
Monday, March 8, 2004
Where do I sign?
After much time and thoughtful consideration I have finally decided what I want to do with my life. I want to be rich. I'm not talking comfortable or well off. I mean filthy, freakin' rich. Although I have no previous experience, I'd like to have a chance to prove myself. Who knows? I could be a natural. Have talent beyond the extraordinary. People might go around saying, "I can't believe she's never been rich before! She acts like she's been rich all of her life!" I think I would be a great rich person. I'd never be greedy or stingy. Everyone would share in my good fortune in some way. I'd invest lots of money into research. With my funding we could possibly eradicate wrinkles, cellulite and gray hair in the near future. We could get someone to develop a pill that really makes you tan from head to toe so no one would have to spend hours lying out in the sun. I'd sponsor a team of scientists to develop an antidote for testosterone. Maybe find a cure for PMS and menopause. I'd be a crime-fighter. Any man found guilty of indulging in a mid-life crisis would be deemed incompetent, committed to a psychiatric facility immediately, and control of all the money would be given to his wife. I don't want you think that I'm some kind of a saint... I'd indulge myself. I'd spend almost all of my time traveling, and I'd always fly first class. I'd have a driver and a personal assistant just to follow me around and remind me where I put things and what I was going to do next. I'd have so many twinkling lights at Christmas you'd see my house from outer space. Wherever I went, a miniature orchestra would play the appropriate music for that moment of my life. Just like in the movies. (Hopefully they would never feel the need to play the music from 'Jaws' or 'Halloween'). I'd plant bulbs everywhere. I'd be the Johnny Appleseed of tulips and daffodils. I'd produce a new sitcom for TV and star in it. And I'd write humorous entries in my Journal every day. Now that I know what I want to do with my life I just have to start making it a reality.
So... anybody know where I sign up?