Wednesday, March 24, 2004

It's TRUE!

One week.  I never thought I could last this long on the Atkin's Diet.  And... despite my initial prediction... I'm still alive.  The worst day was the 6th day.  I was so tired that I literally had a hard time getting out of bed.  I had no strength or energy and I felt completely awful.  Totally crappy.  I was also very tearful.  I found myself crying at the slightest provocation.  A sad movie.  A photo of my kids when they were little.  Running out of home made whipped cream (Atkin's style) for my Jell-O.  Seeing the TV remote control fall under the bed where I couldn't reach it.  Finding an empty candy bar wrapper in my pocket book.  I guess I'm just an old softie.  But the 7th day is much better.  Although I wouldn't say I feel wonderful or have boundless energy now ... I'm OK.  I've lost a total of 7 pounds and according to the little dip stick I am definitely in ketosis. 
I'm waking up earlier every day.  Very annoying.  I have never been a morning person, although I always admired those who were.  It IS sort of cheerful I guess.  The sun shining.  The birds singing.  You never see that kind of stuff when you're a night person.
I'm doing 45 minutes to an hour on the Step Climber now, three times a week.  I can really feel the effects of all of those Tootsie Rolls I've eaten the past few months.  I can see the results of them too, in the full length mirror.  I'm actually beginning to ask myself if it was worth it.  I said BEGINNING to.  Don't rush me.  At this point, I need all the inspiration I can get.  Even if it IS planning to lose an extra five pounds just so I can go on a chocolate eating binge when all this is over.  I really won't.  But it makes me feel better to think about it.


Anonymous said...

I think you're gonna be surprised to find that you're not gonna WANT to eat what you ate before. You'll see. :-) And as far as I'm concerned, ya seen one morning with a bunch of screeching fowl twittering about, ya seen them all. LOL! :-)


Anonymous said...

In honor of your success, I'm eating a gigantic, chilled chocolate cream pie with my bare hands and laughing as chunks of lard-filled crust fall upon my pot-belly and the keyboard. Keep up the good work. It means more chocolate for me.

Anonymous said...


You sound like you're doing great. I envy you I couldn't last a second on that diet and I have tried.

Anonymous said...

I have my pom poms and I'm rooting you on....Go Lisa......Go Lisa!
Good for you! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! : ) : ) : )

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you! I know how hard it is to do this! And you've got to admit that after you do the workout and say no to another Twinky that it feels damn good.

Lisa, are you sure you weren't just PMSing? Or were you really crying over the fact that you hate denying yourself? Or is it that the Atkins-approved diet really sucks and makes you tired and emotional?

45 Minutes on the step climber? Holy shat! I only do 30 minutes on the elliptical. That's all. That's it.

Anonymous said...

Now 7 lbs.! even better! AND your exercising!  I'm proud of you!  Reading on . . .