Just in case you've been too busy to vote
in The People's Choice Awards this past week, the deadline
has been extended until 12 midnight tonight (Pacific time).
Thanks to 'Lynda's Lullaby' here is a complete list of the categories, the nominees and links to every Journal. Try to make the time to explore each one when you have the chance.
Every Journal has it's own unique style, subject and flavor.
The authors are talented and creative people from all walks of life, and I guarantee you'll have a great time visiting them all.
As for me... I'm very proud to have been nominated in the following categories:
1) King/Queen of J-Land: As honored as I am to receive this nomination, I really don't deserve it. Gregg, of Golden Child and
Vivian of Viv's E-Thoughts are the only true choices. Both have done so much to make J-Land what it is today. And neither one of them,
as overwhelmed as they must be, are ever, EVER too busy to stop what they're doing and help a fellow blogger who has a question or a problem. PLEASE vote for either of them. I wish they could both win. The Nominees in this category are:
Donah42 - 'Hippies in Yuppie Land'
Golden Child NC - 'Golden Child, Superstar!'
On Mi Own Now 2 - 'The Occupant'
Slow Motion Life - 'A Life In Slow Motion'
Vivian SulliNwank - 'Viv's E-Thoughts'
2) Lady Of The Blog - Best Female Journal: To be honest... I was shocked speechless when I was nominated for this one!
(a condition that rarely affects me). Some people have said that the nomination is thrilling, but there's nothing like actually winning.
I'm not sure I feel the same way. I am so proud to be nominated for this Award. To make it even more exciting, I am up there with all majorly talented people! For the rest of my life, I can tell everyone I meet, that I was once nominated for BEST FEMALE JOURNAL
(I definitely want this nomination mentioned in my eventual eulogy). Thanks to everyone who voted for me! You all made one girl happy for eternity! The nominees in this category are:
LADY OF THE BLOG (Best Female Journal)
FREEE PEACE - 'Journeyto Peace'
JC Georgia Peach - 'The Peach Pages'
Karen Sull 12 - 'Jukebox Woman'
On Mi Own Now 2 - 'The Occupant'
Slow Motion Life - 'A Life in Slow Motion'
3) Most LOL Moments In One Journal: (That means funniest, Mom. She doesn't talk PC). This was such an honor! I'm too shy to pursue a career in Stand-Up Comedy, so writing is the next best thing.
It's what I do. What I am. What I want to be. To get an Award for it, would be a dream come true. Thanks. From the bottom of my heart. The nominees in this category are:
Jeff Comedy - 'What the Hell?'
LA Move 04 - 'Albert's Artsy World of Fun'
On Mi Own Now 2 - ' The Occupant'
Screamin Remo - 'Screamin' Remo'
Yakvette - 'Do I Amuse You?'
4) The Mad Hatter Award: The description included with this Award says that it is "daily ranting taken to a new level". I'm hoping that it means, "complaining about things in an entertaining way".
But I'm not sure... None of the other Journalers seemed very pleased that they were nominated for this Award. Maybe they know something that I don't. Some of them are angry. One was practically outraged. Another is suspected of hiring a private detective to track down the person who nominated her. I've heard murmurings of hired hit men... But I sit here unfazed. What does that say about me?
Am I having a really long 'blonde moment'? Hmmm... But thanks!
I think... The nominees in this category are:
Karen Sull 12 - 'Jukebox Woman'
Lucy Lou Lady Bug- 'On the Tip of My Wings'
Redhd Ka - 'A Brand New Day'
On Mi Own Now 2 - 'The Occupant'
Scremin Remo 303 - 'Screamin' Remo'
No matter what happens, no matter who wins, I think we all had a great time. I'd like to thank all the J-Land Community Members for creating and maintaining Journals that entertain, educate,
inspire and make us look at the world in a new way.
For sharing themselves, their families
and their lives with us.
I'd like to thank all the people in the community who tirelessly worked to make both the Awards and Our First Anniversary not only possible, but special and memorable. I'd like to thank all the Readers who faithfully come by and leave comments in our Journals, who encourage us to keep writing. And I'd like to thank all the people that took the time out of their busy days to vote in both the Nominations and The Final Phase of The People's Choice Awards.
Thanks! From all of us!
Thanks for the links Lisa! Got a few minutes to check out a few I haven't seen before. Good luck on your nomination! The suspense must be terrible!
I've been here before but haven't commented much. I have to say you are one of the best writers in J land and I have quite enjoyed your entries, as I'm sure many of your readers have as well.
Congratulations on the nominations. Great pimping job! =P
Thank you for stopping by my journal, visitors are always a welcome surprise.....especially a Jersey visitor.......and to vote for me too.........wow, I'm humbled. I'm glad you left the name of your Journal so I could drop by and visit, also enjoyed your Homestead site too..........am only on page 13 though, LOL
thanks for the vote and for stopping by, I'll link your journal to mine so I can come back for more!
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