Sunday, January 15, 2006

Love Poems For Middle-Aged Women

Sometimes great marital advice can read like a poem.  Here's one that was sent to me by a good friend, who's been married a long, long time...

He didn't like my casseroles 
And he never liked my cakes...

My biscuits weren't flaky...

Not like his mother used to make.

I didn't perk the coffee right

He didn't like my stew,

I didn't mend his socks

The way his mother used to do.

I pondered for an answer

I was looking for a clue...

Then I turned around and smacked him...
Just like his Mother used to do!


I'll take a laugh wherever I can get one!  Sorry guys!


Anonymous said...

I love it!  LOL!  Lisa

Anonymous said...

This made me laugh out loud and the graphic is absolutely great!  Thanks, Pennie

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the perfect solution to me!!!  <grin>


Anonymous said...

Oh thats GREAT :) My hubby insisted I put milk in potato sald for 10 of the 20 yrs-then one day asked why in the world are you putting milk in? I replied because for the last 10yrs you INSISTED thats how your mom used to make it--oh no he says----yup I shoulda smacked him lol((hugs)

Anonymous said...

Was it me???  I know "I" must have written this....TOOO funny!!! joy