Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Introducing my New Grandson!


Although he seemed to have taken the scenic route, my new little Grandson is finally here.  He checked in on July 3 at 10: 45 PM .  

My daughter-in-law was such a Trooper!  It took almost 24 hours of labor and finally a C-Section to bring all nine pounds, one ounce of him in!  And just for the record, he was 22 inches long!

His name is Joseph Thomas ... named after both Grandfathers. 

And now, without further ado...  here's my new Grand-baby!

  I'm proud to say that my son was extremely supportive during Bonnie's labor which lasted almost 24 hours.  And he held her hand all through the subsequent C-Section.

 Bonnie's mother and I were able to come back and visit whenever we wanted.

  We did our best to keep her spirits up.

  Mostly, we waited and waited...

 ... and waited!

  Finally at 10:45 PM he was delivered.  All 9 pounds, 1 ounce of him!

  It was hard to believe that my youngest child now had a new baby of his own.  Joe was absolutely beaming with pride!  I will always cherish that memory.  I've never seen him more happy or excited! 

  I couldn't help but wonder who this little boy was, and who he would become.  I knew that although he was new to me, soon I wouldn't remember ever being without him in my life.

  My son now has his very own family.  He'll continue many traditions he learned from me and his father, and many that Bonnie learned from her family.  And they'll no doubt start new ones of their own.

 Their lives will never be the same.  This tiny baby will change everything.  But he will bring them happiness and joy beyond their wildest expectations.  And they will never regret it.

 He'll always have his Aunt Lee Lee to watch over him and make him laugh.

 And he'll always have a Grammy that loves him with all her heart!

Welcome to the world, Joseph Thomas!






Anonymous said...

That is awesome...........

I love babies.............

I wish mine were little again....

Oh well, hopefully Grand kids someday...

Anonymous said...

Aww, that is terrific news! Congratulations, and enjoy loving that little guy!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Just found that you are writing again! Yay! Your grandson is beautiful.