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My Debut Part II
The other girl comedian went up first and she had trouble taking the microphone off of the stand. I was relieved. I knew I would have trouble, too. She talked about being married to a "good 'ole boy from West Virginia", which was kind of comical since she said she was a "Jewish American Princess". The audience was very nice, and would politely laugh as if on cue whenever it was called for or hoped for. They listened to every word and genuinely seemed to be enjoying the show. To tell you the truth I was thrilled that I didn't have to follow a 'killer' act, and grateful to know that the people watching would laugh and clap even if I wasn't funny. As it turned out, because there were only 3 of us performing, we each did 3 sets. It was mostly improv since none of us had prepared enough material to go up more than once. I was more relaxed on my second set, and by my third time on 'stage' I felt like I was in my own living room with a few of my close friends and neighbors. It wasn't 'Saturday Night Live' , but then again, I'm not Ellen DeGeneres either. It was a great place to get my feet wet, however. Everyone was so nice and so supportive. They all clapped and told me I was "great." The owner thanked me for coming and asked me if he could use the pictures he had taken during the 'show' on his Web Site. He shook my hand and said he was "so excited to meet a real comedian!" He was talking to ME! They say everyone has to start somewhere, and to tell you the truth, if I ever become famous, I'd be honored to say that I started THERE.
Congrats!!! :-)
Way to go, Lisa!!! Real proud of you! Are you going back to "Thursday Night Live"...sounds like fun plus good practice. You go, girl!
I am so glad you went, and more importantly that you didn't chicken out!! Good for you! You may not be an "Ellen" but even she had to start somewhere! I hope if he keeps having comic night that you will go.
Yippee :) I am so glad you went..and stayed-next time tape it for us?Wonder if you could and download 3-4 min?That would be fun-I KNOW your GREAT-hugs kymllr
you gonna post the link to his website for us?? And congrats, sounds like it went great ... definitely getting the tootsies wet~
Wow! This is just great. I'm so glad your experience was a good one! But you're so talented that I'm not surprised. Good for you. Bravooooooooooo! ::::::::clapping wildly::::::::::::: Yahooooooooo!
The pictures reminded me of the coffee shop set on the show friends. 3 whole sets that is amazing. I am so proud of you! You are great and very talented. Wonderful news.
Wow! Good for you. I don't think I'd ever have the balls get up on stage and try to be funny. LOL
I'm a 'good ole girl from West Virginia.' Think I would have gotten the other girl comedian's jokes? =)
XO ~ Bridgett
I just knew you'd be great. Now you gotta post a link to his web site when he puts your pics up there!! Maybe next time you could have somebody video it! Aww, I so wish I coulda been there to see it and clap and laugh with everyone else!
In my short experience as a stand-up myself, I have witnessed that the whole "Your fellow comedians are vile, loathsome creatures that will not hesitate you to stab you in the back" is just not true. Stand-up, as you know, is HARD. Everyone needs everybody else, so everyone gives great support. (Reminds me of J-land)
I'm proud for you. Keep going, it WILL get better, I promise.
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