Tuesday, March 16, 2004

The big picture...

Some people would say that I am procrastinating by sitting here writing a Journal entry instead of working out on the Bowflex.  They would be right, but I have a very good reason.  Even though I am not actively losing any weight at this particular moment, I'm not actively gaining any weight either.  I'm making progress already!  Personally, I find it extremely annoying when I hear one of my anorexic friends say that they have to lose 5 pounds.  How the hell hard is THAT?  So... just to keep this interesting let me tell you what trials and tribulations I feel lie ahead of me.  I have to lose a minimum of 17 pounds despite being a born again, totally committed, outrageously zealous, fanatically loyal carbohydrate addict and chocoholic.  Reducing even a fraction of fat, calories and carbs will be physically painful for me.  ELIMINATING them would be impossible.  I will be 49 years old in May, so it's a lot harder to lose weight than it used to be.  I'm currently on hormone replacement therapy for menopause symptoms.  They do help, but I am still suffering with borderline terroristic mood swings, and my usual routine bouts of PMS.  These hormonal fluctuations make me ravenous most of the day, and regularly wake me up at night as well.  Add to this the fact that I quit smoking 7 months ago.  I have practically no will power (I used the little I did have to quit smoking), and there is no chance that I can develop, find or purchase any amount of stamina, endurance, physical strength or coordination.  I have tried bicycling, skating, tennis, jogging, swimming, and golf.  Unfortunately each activity proved to be personally challenging to me.  I am a klutz with no sense of balance, who has the ability to fall over at any given moment.  I have always missed every ball in every sport I ever attempted to play and I have a phobia of wasps, bees, and great white sharks.  I have 3 slipped disks in my back so I'm always in some degree of pain.  My cholesterol level is 340... and that's AFTER taking medication to bring it down.  So although I clearly have a lot of reasons to get myself into better condition, those same reasons are going to make it a lot harder to get there…  (stay tuned)...


Anonymous said...

Start with walking, Have a bottle of water in your hand to drink when you get thirsty. Keep plenty of fruit and yogart at home. Go shopping at a mall. You not only get exercise, but looking at all the swimsuit models in the window, will help
to keep your goal in mind. Wishing you lots of luck! Linda

Anonymous said...

Okay, I would have quit by now and least you're trying. : )
I'm still smoking and eating carbs and chocolate. I think stress kills and I'd be too stressed if I gave all of that up. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I don't think you should give up one drop of your goodies. I do think you should get a George Forman family size grill for your meals so that all that nasty fat drains out. And I think you should drink lots of water and walk. Just walk. Get a Cd player and headphones and walk. This coming from a chick that is dipping cheese doodles in spicey hot southwestern ranch dip as I type this the dip is on my fingers getting all over the keyboard. LOL

Anonymous said...

OMG! I am rolling on the floor laughing, this is deliciously hilarious but also way to true and I think I could cry or at least go light a cigarette, if I smoked. I think I'll go make a hot tea and sweeten it with Splenda. Dang, life is TOUGH.

~ Karyn

Anonymous said...

Keep your wonderful sense of humor. Dawn

Anonymous said...
