I never have enough time to do the things that I really want to do. But I never really finish doing the things that I don't want to do either. Let me describe a typical morning in my menopausal life. Today, like always, I start the day with a drink of water and a hormone pill. Uh-oh! Only two left. I better call in a refill before I forget. Where did I leave my glasses? Oh yeah. In my pocket book. Let's see... Geeze! There's that envelope I meant to mail yesterday. OK... Put on a stamp and head for the mailbox. Will you look at all those alien droppings lying in the driveway? Annoying little balls. Where did I put that push broom? In the basement. Let's see... There's the light bulbs I was looking for last week. I'll bring one up for the family room while I'm thinking of it. Look how dusty the top of the TV is… Let me just grab the Windex and the paper towels under the bathroom sink. Uh-oh. There's the copy of my work schedule that I brought home last night. I should enter those dates into the computer so I know what I'm doing for the next 6 weeks. Sign on.... OK. Maybe I'll just check my mail real fast. Oh! An E-mail from Kara. Oh no! She's worried about me since I haven't written an entry in over a week. I better write back. I should check out her Journal first just to make sure everything in her life is OK before I do though. OK... nothing awful. Oh! Look at that! I left two empty bottles of ice tea on the floor beside the computer. I should put them in the recyclables. It's full, damn it. OK. Might as well put all the bottles out by the curb. Tomorrow is trash day anyway. What's this? Oh! My Mega Millions Lottery Tickets! I wonder if I won? I should check… I may not need to go to work today after all. Back to the computer. No. Didn't win. Darn! Oww! My tooth still hurts. If I don't call the dentist and make an appointment I'll end up regretting it this weekend. I'll put the bottles out later. What was that dentist's telephone number again? Let's see... Where are my glasses? Oh yeah... I was on my way to get them from my pocket book after I woke up...
Thursday, March 4, 2004
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Its sounding like a day in "menopausal life" won't differ much from a day in "on the brink of menopaus-al life" for me ... that's a relief. With all this stuff to do, didn't you have a little anxiety, maybe a hot flash or something you can describe to better prepare me? Does menopause cause an inordinant thirst for ice tea in bottles? Or did you have that before?
Sign me, Totally Curious!! [ha ha]
~ Karyn
This is a RIOT! Lisa, you're a trip. Great entry!
What does menopause have to do with this? I am only 37 and outside of the hormone pill, this is also my typical day! Great journal and Thanks for visiting mine--Kristi
oh my god lisa...this sounds like me. My favorite part was,
Oh! My Mega Millions Lottery Tickets! I wonder if I won? I should check… I may not need to go to work today after all.
LOL that is hillarious..i think like that too. I missed you I did.
I know things a man should never know. Eat sweet potatoes and lots of them. They are loaded with female hormones in a more soluable form. Raw is best, but if you must cook them, make hash browns for breakfast and have 1 egg with them. The 22 amino acids in the egg more quickly break down the fiber of the taters and send the hormones to where they are needed faster. Try it, I'm serious.
Like your journal very much. Paula
You always have a way of making it all so easy to relate to.
When I start to go to bed at night, I do that. One thing leads to another and I am up another hour. I enjoy reading your journal.
Thanks, Linda
Oh no. I think I must have the same disorder. I don't have alien droppings in my driveway, but I often search for my glasses and I have a stack of bills that need to get to the mailbox soon. I think lasik surgery is the answer! If we no longer have to look for our glasses the whole day would be better.
Fer cripe's sake, my head's spinning! Make a LIST, Lisa. This is what my uber-organized hubby does. He forgets NOTHING. (It's really sickening.)
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