Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Who cares? It's SPRING!

It's SPRING!  Totally spring!  If I was young, thin, firm, beautiful and having a good hair day I'd wake up early and dance naked among the spring flowers.  Unfortunately, there will never be a day where all those circumstances happen simultaneously.  I'd do it anyway, but I'm afraid I'd scare Mother Nature away and we'd have 6 more weeks of winter.  I adore this time of year.  It doesn't matter that my basement still leaks.  It's spring.  Who cares that we're working one Nursing Supervisor short at the hospital and it's absolute chaos and hell working alone?  No one cares!  It's spring!  The house is still a mess, my laundry will always be piled up, all my nails have been broken this month, and I think my younger daughter has chosen another loser boyfriend.  But I don't care.  It's spring!  The sparse, barren, gray colored land is turning green again.  Leaf buds are forming on the tree branches.  There's no more ice on my car windshield in the morning.  The afternoons are sunny and warm.  I got a whiff of something yesterday that immediately reminded me of carnivals.  There was one that used to come to my town every year around the time of my birthday in the spring.  It was exciting, and gave me my first taste of slightly dangerous, wild abandon.  And yet, I knew it couldn't be sinful, because it was run by the Catholic Church.  What fun.  Guiltless sinning.  ENCOURAGED guiltless sinning.  REQUIRED even, if you attended Catholic school.  But what I love most about the spring is the flowers.  Daffodils are my favorite.  I only wish they could last longer.  It's always been my dream to have a garden with hundreds, if not thousands of tulips, daffodils and flowers.  It's SO exciting to watch them bloom and I could sit and marvel at their beauty all day long.  And THIS year... I can do it sitting on my very own front porch.  So there you have it.  I've got my man, Ray.  Three great kids.  An adorable grandbaby.  Most of my teeth.  A good job.  A porch.  Some daffodils.  And it's SPRING!!  I am truly blessed.  I AM TRULY HAPPY!  If only I had a bowl of pasta and a piece of hot bread in front of me...  I'd be delirious.


Anonymous said...

You are the funniest person! I always walk away with a smile after reading your journal...thank you....

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so hungry right now. Why'd you have to mention pasta and hot bread?!!!

Spring is a wonderful thing, iddint it? And I think you're kicking butt trying to watch what you eat and that working out like a maniac. So you're going to feel and look GOOD for that vacay.

You GO, girl.

Anonymous said...

I'll have the pasta and the bread for you! It's SPRING! LOL!

Anonymous said...

LOL, you are sooooo funny ... I was thinking about the additional six weeks of winter ... makes you wonder if someone DID scare poor mother nature and caused the extra length in our winters past?!?!

Thanks for making me smile once again.

Smilin Mon

Anonymous said...

Encouraged guiltless sinning. Only you would come up with a term like that. Enjoy your new porch. And your new slim bod! It's Spring! :-)