Tuesday, July 27, 2004

1000 words...

A picture is worth a thousand words... I'm hanging up my dancing shoes...  I no longer have the desire to do much of anything, let alone write.  What used to inspire and excite me now brings me only pain and sorrow.  I sometimes wonder if I'll ever recover...  Only time will tell...  Some will think that I am a poor loser.  Sad, cause that's SO far from the truth.  Some have speculated that I cheated somehow in order to win an award.  How could you possibly be proud of an award you won by cheating?  But by far, the heart break of this entire experience, is knowing that the people in J-Land that I love the most, the ones that I truly called 'friends' are the ones who felt I was cheating.  I thought they knew me better than that.  And they didn't even believe in me enough to ask me.  For some reason they just assumed the worst.  I could have taken it if others had called me a cheater.  But not my J-Land friends.  They have broken my heart forever.  Writing will never be the same for me again.


Anonymous said...

It's nice to see that -- at the very least -- the ability to leave comments here has returned. Come on back, Lisa. We miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hope all is well with you.....

Anonymous said...

Hey, what happened to you?  I came by cuz I never get alerts anymore.  HELLO, anyone home!?!?!


Anonymous said...

Where did you go? :-) ---Robbie

Anonymous said...

Lisa! What does this mean? That you've taken off your dancing shoes? That you're all done? Not gonna dance anymore? What? What?!

Anonymous said...

Miss you very much.  Thanks for allowing us to comment!