Monday, July 12, 2004

The Envelope Please!

Not only are we celebrating the First Anniversary of AOL Journals this month, it's also Awards time in Journal Land!  Everyone is excited and raring to go.  There are so many talented and creative people, it will be hard to choose one winner.  There are many categories for the Awards, and you can vote for the nominees anytime this week up until midnight Thursday.  So come on in, relax, take a look around, and explore all of the Journals you can.  (There's a bunch of great ones in my sidebar).  You'll have a lot of fun, learn some amazing things, and get to meet some of the most wonderful people in Journal Land.  
Take the time to nominate your favorites, and then please come back to vote.  Show the bloggers just how much you enjoy their writing, and appreciate them sharing their stories and photos.
The easiest way to vote is to copy the url address of any Journal you find 'nomination worthy' and paste it into a blank E-mail.  Click on the voting button, and then repaste the url's you copied in the E-mail into the different categories.  It would be great if you nominated someone for every category, but it's not required. 
Just in case you want to nominate, let's just pick a random name out of the air to use as an example...  ummm... ME (I know... I am totally shameless)... here's the link from my Journal, all ready for you to copy and paste!  

It would be thrilling just to be nominated!  OK... so I really want to
win.  There.  I feel so much better now. 

So... what are you waiting for? 
Do it!  Go make someone's day!       



Anonymous said...

Love the picture of you with the baby!

Anonymous said...

I voted already...I like to get things over with. It was fun voting for the funniest journal..that was an easy decision! : )

Anonymous said...

Geez, that time again, already!  Had no clue it was here already, thanks for the reminder Lisa!  

Anonymous said...

Nominate you??????? hahahahahaha! LOL!
Go check the garden. You're in there, young lady! : )

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I'm sure you will get a TON of nominations! Here's hoping you walk away with an award this year -- your journal is something quite special! Best of luck!


Anonymous said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for "The Occupant"!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I would be SHOCKED if you didn't get any nominations!  I guess I better get my act together and make my nominations known.  


Anonymous said...

ROTFLMAO! OMG!!! Well no WONDER you were nominated so many frickin times!! LOL! Don't get me wrong, I think you're totally fabu! But I was surprised that so many other people knew what I knew. Well there's absolutely nothing wrong with plugging yourself that's for sure. Last year I promised nude pics of myself to anyone who voted for me and I still lost. How sad is that? LMAO! Anyway, this certainly paid off. You've been nominated in several categories dear! Congratulations!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know I voted for're the best!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the gazillion of nominations in the AOL Awards.  I mean just about every category (except the UK and brats), WOW!!!!  Still keeping the fingers crossed for a win ~ but I have a feeling it may be a sweep!!!  (smiles)

Anonymous said...

LOL! And you were nominated and then some. Good luck! :-) ---Robbie

Anonymous said...

You asked for it and you got it. (Not that your talent as a writer has anything to do with it.) ;-) I'd be surprised if you didn't take home *at least* one award this year. CONGRATULATIONS!!!  

Anonymous said...

Wow! You're nominated in three categories. You sleeping around or something? LOL!

Good luck and you go, girl! : )


Anonymous said...

I had not read your journal until I checked out the nominations for these awards, but now I'm hooked.  Looking forward to more like I read today.  Congratulations on your nominations.
Blessings, Lynda/Auntie Lyn

Anonymous said...

To be honest, I really didn't know about your journal until this whole AOL j-land awards thing. (well, I knew about it but with so many other journals in my Faves list I was hard pressed to add any more)

Lord knows where I have been.

Anyway, just wanted to say that we are competitors (for the LOL award) and good luck to you.

May the silliest person win.

Anonymous said...

Hey, another LOL-er here... glad to learn about your journal and I can see that we share the same, ahem, competitive spirit!  (well, they always say that all comedians just want to be loved)  Will read more, and good luck, you're gonna need it, because I'm pulling out all the stops between now and Thursday night!  --Albert/Madame Glinka