Wednesday, December 10, 2003

On My Front Porch

Before I start... I'd like to wish my son Joe, a very happy 25th birthday today!  He's the best son a Mom could have and he deserves the best!

While Joe was digging the footers this morning, Ray and I went over to the Township to pick up the Permit to build our new front porch.  To me, the front porch is where everything important in life really starts.  Everyone should have one.  It's where friends and family knock when they come for a visit.  Where neighbors walk by and wave hello.  It's where you both smile and blush when someone sends you flowers and where cats take long naps in the sun.  The front porch is the place to enjoy both Trick-or-Treaters and Christmas Carolers alike.  There will be flower baskets and Eastwe Egg Hunts on my porch in the spring,  flags waving proudly on the 4th of July, lightening bug and butterfly catching in the summer, Halloween pumpkins glowing in the fall, Christmas decorations twinkling in December and snowman building in the winter.  It's where Ray and I will hold hands by candlelight late into summer evenings.  Where my kids and I will sit, laugh and talk till the wee hours of many mornings to come.  It's where I'll hold my grandbabies tight and rock them to sleep.  And the first place that Ray will pick me up and carry me over when we come home from our Honeymoon someday.  Yes... there's a lot of love and many memories waiting to happen out there on that porch.  And I just can't wait to start!


Anonymous said...

I like to pull skunks out from under ours. I don't know how they get there but they do.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the permit! Sound to me like it is going to be one fun, wonderful porch! Me, I'd get a swing for two! Think about it! ; ) And, happy birthday to your wonderful son. : )

Anonymous said...

OH I love your front porch. And you are a very beautiful lady! And Happy Birthday to your baby!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! and great pictures ... can't wait to see it in progress, then finished, then as a part of your life, as you described.

Yea, front porch!

~ Karyn

Anonymous said...

Wow. It's finally going to be a reality. Awesome. Congratulations! (Nice photos by the way. I love that shot of you and Ray. I kinda wondered what he looked like.)