Monday, December 15, 2003

We passed!

The township inspector came out today and he approved our front porch frame!  My son started working on it right away.  Hopefully he'll be able to finish it within a week, if he doesn't run into any problems or bad weather.  I took a deep breath and a swig of Christmas Cheer and dove into the moving mess I made when I helped my daughters move out of their apartment a few weeks ago.  It was cluttered even before I moved my stuff in.  Now... it's a disaster area.  If the Governor dropped by for a visit I'm sure he'd declare it a state emergency.  But now I can see the couch.  We could answer the door if someone knocked, and have them come in and actually sit down.  They could even hang their coat up in the closet.  Oh!  I am making headway.  The upstairs living room is now even worse, but I'll eventually get there.  Sometimes it feels like I'm just moving the junk from room to room.  But each time the piles get smaller, and there are fewer and fewer boxes.  I doubt that I'll totally reach my goal of having the house to the point where I can invite the kids over for Christmas, but anything is possible.  I barely even started shopping yet and I keep getting interrupted to go to my job at the hospital.  But... the more money I make the more things we can do to the house.  Or at least start paying for the things that we've already done!  Ray says he'll drink to that!


Anonymous said...

See what a little bit of roughing up Todd can do. I'm happy for you, congatulations!

Anonymous said...

If you watch my baby for 12 hours I will have that livingroom all done and then you could decorate it! It looks like I could have some fun! Isn't it always funner to clean up others peoples houses then it is your own? LOL

Anonymous said...

So happy for you that things are starting to fall in place.

Flylady rule for decludering: If you dont Love it or Need it, Toss it and dont look back!

Much Love,

Anonymous said...

Everything is looking great. I've built a house before and I know how stressful it can be. In the end, all the hard work will be worth it.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Sounds like things are finally kicking into high gear! Love those photos that you took -- even of the clutter. It's nice to be able to put an image (or several) with the stories.