Saturday, December 27, 2003

The suspense is killing me!

Let's see... where was I?  I think it was the night before Christmas...  The new front porch wasn't ready by Christmas Day, in fact the steps weren't even finished.  But... everything will be done by Monday night.  Joe is going to install the lattice under the porch, paint the lower part of the cement wall below the siding, and power wash the porch, the stone walls and the driveway.  We will have to stop renovating for a few months and start paying off some of the loans.  In the meantime I've been learning a lot about leaking basements. We've had two estimates from water proofing companies so far.  At this point, I am only sure of one thing.  I never, ever want to have another basement.  For the rest of my life.  Even after that.  I'm am now going to be cremated.  I had agonized over that decision for many years but Ray helped me make up my mind in just one week.  Thanks, honey!

Christmas was wonderful.  Even though we didn't have a tree. Or Christmas lights.  Or stockings hanging by the chimney with care.  Oh... but we will next year!!  I went to a few really great After-Christmas Sales on Friday.  50-70% off all Christmas decorations.  Ray didn't like the ones that I had.  So I bought us dozens of new ones!  I didn't really save us a lot of money.  I was just able to buy a lot more stuff!  I can hardly wait until next Christmas!  I'm hoping that everything will be finished by then.  We want to add on a new dining room and completely redo the kitchen.  Ray wants to tear out the fireplace and put in a new one.  I want to have the hard wood floors re-sanded and polished.  Joe wants to put on 3 more decks.  Not porches... decks.  And we'd like to paint the driveway and get new carpeting.  I might even try to make my childhood dream of digging a tunnel to China come true.  Only kidding about the tunnel.  My only dilemma now is:  Should I keep up my Journal after we finish the porch next week or stop writing until we start renovating again?  I did want to keep my subject pure and focused...  Even though I have never been pure and focused about anything before...  Hmmm.


Anonymous said...

You silly goofball! How could you think of halting your journal just because you're not renovating. I'm not always surrounded by nincompoops. That's the theme of my journal. Sometimes I'm surrounded by complete morons, which is quite different and off the subject. I keep writing anyway.

Anonymous said...

Oh keep writing. LOL! I'd miss you and so would everyone else.
I'm wondering, after all of this work, don't you wish you would have knocked the place down and rebuilt it? LOL! : )

Anonymous said...

I was worried about better keep writing. Anything you would write about would be something I would want to read. So please write write write or i will cry and emailing you and nag you! I would miss you terribly. You must write even if its for me only which it isn't! You are the very first journal I ever read before I had a journal..I clicked on your website and became inspired by you! Then I showed my mom it and the rest is history.

Anonymous said...

You are AMAZING. I read your webpage and your journal and you're very funny, very smart and amazingly talented. Thanks for sharing your world with us.

Anonymous said...

You went shopping on the 26th?! I knew you were nuts.

Keep the Journal. There's no law written in stone that your entries have to be about house renovations. Really.

Pure and focused is overrated. Do you know ANYone like that? I don't. And I wouldn't want to either. Bah!

Anonymous said...

Keep writing. :-) Or at least post the web address of your other journal on the last page of this one so that we can continue to follow along. :-)