Monday, December 1, 2003

Deck The Halls!

My daughters moved completely out of their apartment over the weekend.  They are now living with a friend who already had furniture of her own so they really didn't need what I had.  Since Ray had his own furniture too, my bedroom, kitchen and living room stuff is now being stored in my ex-husband's garage.  It's odd really.  He got all of our marital furniture in the divorce, and now everything that I had to buy once I was living on my own is now with him, too.  If it wasn't for the fact that I was planning on giving that new furniture to the kids anyway, I think I would be having a major anxiety attack over this.  Not having to pay for a storage facility helps a little too, I suppose.  I did take all of the Christmas and holiday decorations, wall hangings, silk plants and flower arrangements back to Ray's house though.  I didn't want my ex's girlfriend to confiscate any important stuff like that.  Although I won't have to help the kids pay the bills anymore (which is a relief), now there is so much stuff piled up around here I have to make pathways for us to walk through.  I don't even know where to start.  I'd love to be able to hang my Christmas decorations around the fireplace, but I guess putting away all of this stuff so that we can get out of bed without tripping and go to the bathroom without climbing over boxes to get there would be more important...  Wouldn't it?  Yes.  It would.  I should just wait until next year to decorate.  But...  Christmas only comes once a year you know.  This mess will be here forever.  What's one more month?  What if I'm not even living next year?  Life is short they say.  Of course, my life might be even shorter if Ray comes home and sees that I just decided to decorate instead of putting my stuff away.  Then I'd never get to put my Christmas stuff up.  Hmmm....


Anonymous said...

oh you had me laughing so hard with this one. Ty. I have crap all over my house too. My hub put the whole kitchen set in the living room while he grouted. And then baby took out every toy she owns and tossed it aroudn the living room along with his tools that he left out and I was shining the grouty tiles all morning and still have to clean up this wreck. So I really don't give a hoot about xmas decor right now either.

Anonymous said...

Tell him to take a chill pill. At this point, what's a few more things? Besides, they'll only be up for a month. Tell him it's either that, are you're gonna start gift wrapping the piles of boxes around the house to at least make them look more festive. :-)

Anonymous said...

"Decorate the boxes to make them look more festive"? I am cracking up over here! That was SO funny! Thanks!! Lisa

Anonymous said...

Decorate! Have fun......He'll learn to love it! LOL! Sure he will! ; )

Anonymous said...

Furniture is the best part of moving. I never buy anything I'd want to keep. When I move, I throw it out. I buy new crap when I get where I'm going.