Monday, December 22, 2003

I know who's getting coal...

Sometimes we just have to wait for things.  I never did like hearing that.  From my parents or anyone else.  I've had lots of practice waiting for things over the years but it never gets any easier.  My son Joe went to a friend's Christmas Party on Sunday night and had a bit too much to drink, leaving him with a memorable hangover.  So even though Monday was a beautiful, warm and sunny day he was too sick to come over and work on the porch.  It was supposed to be finished today.  I was going to rush home from work to sit on my new front porch, take some pics of it and then run into the house to post them here in my Journal, to share them with anyone who was interested in looking at them.  The porch will never be finished by Christmas Eve now.  Even if Joe works on the porch all day tomorrow, he still has to go back to Home Depot to buy the lattice for under the deck.  He hasn't even cut the frames for the steps yet.  I'm sure he isn't planning on working at all on Wednesday or Thursday, so I guess the most I can hope for is Friday.  I know he's young and he deserves to have all the fun he can have.  He works hard and he's a good kid.  A man really.  And he has to do all the hard parts.  Work out in the cold.  He has no one to help him most of the time and he never complains.  His carpentry skills are awesome.  But damn it!  I wanted this porch so much!  I know I'm still going to get it but I wanted it for Christmas!  Couldn't he just get drunk on New Year's Eve after the porch was finished?  Maybe there's a lesson here for me to learn.  I'm sure Christmas is really about giving to others... not about wanting things for yourself.  It's about seeing the beauty in spiritual things not just material ones.  It's about giving and sharing and realizing what's really important in life.



Anonymous said...

You know I really enjoy your journal. I've never said this before but I think you have a wonderful son and he probably got that way because of his wonderful mom. Give him a big kiss at Christmas and thank your lucky stars every day for the blessing of this son of yours. I'm sure you already do. : )

Anonymous said...

And he's hot too Ma!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I wanted you to have the porch too for xmas and I wanted to see the pictures for xmas. But boys will be boys. Maybe he will get guilty and work on it all night long. Wishful thinking right? Ahhh well Friday is better then 6 months from now with something still left undone like my husband would do. Have a Merry Christmas Lisa! <hugs>

Anonymous said...

Good things are worth waiting for?

It could be worse, he could be taking as long as your permit ...

Merry Christmas! Happy Porching, soon!

~ Karyn

Anonymous said...

My mother lived in a half finished house all of her life. I'd have her give you advice about how to handle it but she's senile. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Even if it didn't get done in time for Christmas (I'm reading these entries from oldest to newest where I last left off) your porch is nearly done now and it has your son's signature all over it. A porch built with love. Ahhhhh.