Friday, December 12, 2003

Too busy for Christmas?

Sometimes I get so involved in things that I become almost oblivious to everything else that is going on around me.  I just realized that in less than 2 weeks it will be Christmas.  I haven't even started shopping.  As a matter of fact I haven't even withdrawn the money from my Christmas Club account yet.  If it wasn't for my 3 foot plastic Santa, there would be no inkling around here that the holidays were upon us.  This has never happened to me before.  How could anyone be too busy for Christmas?  I actually designed my last house around my Christmas decorations.  I chose the new custom made windows for Ray's house with the holidays in mind.  Our very first major disagreement involved my plastic, light up Santa.  When I first saw Ray's fireplace all I could think about were stockings hanging there on Christmas Eve.  Yet here I sit without so much as an idea of where to start.  I better get out there.  Hope I never have to plan a wedding or anything with a time constraint.  They'd be sweeping up the rice before I even picked out the invitations.  Ho-ho-ho.


Anonymous said...

I'm happy to know I've got some company in the waiting-til-the-last-minute department.

Anonymous said...

Hey -- at least you realized that you only have two weeks left. Get to it girl!!!

Anonymous said...

After all of that work, you have to make it look purrrty for Christmas. Come on, girl. Throw some water on your face, put on those Christmas carols and get moving.
Easy for me to say. LOL!

Anonymous said...

It really is sneaking up fast. When our tree came out of the attack I said to my hub, "didn't we just put that away yesterday?" Nope I only have one gift purchased so far...this is getting scary.

Anonymous said...

You still have two weeks hehehe don't sweat it!!! :-) Lanny